Sunday, July 29, 2007

EXPOSÉ: The Miami-Dade Housing Agency

PBS recently broadcasted a disturbing investigative report on the Miami-Dade Housing Agency fiasco. Do not miss this one.

Here's PBS's synopsis:

"With the Miami real estate market booming, why were some residents being left out in the cold? With an innovative tax on commercial real estate transactions, money was flowing into the Miami-Dade Housing Agency, the body charged with building affordable housing. But there was a problem: a lot of money was going out, but not a lot of houses were being built. Reporter Debbie Cenziper of THE MIAMI HERALD goes inside the agency's own incomplete records, fills in the gaps, and connects the dots -- exposing mismanagement and an insider's club where backs were scratched and palms were greased."



Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting that. I wanted to watch that when I saw the previews on PBS but I had other commitments. I had no idea that they posted the whole show online.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you allow government to handle these problems. Big government is a failed policy, we need to reduce government and allow free enterprise to play a larger role.

The results are in.

1. Governement had time(years) and money(millions) to address the problem. The housing and corrupt officials pocketing millions in criminal kickbacks, bribes, and payoffs.

2. Habitat for humanity was building houses within 1 year with minimal government funds and interaction.

Big Government does not work, what will work is to limit the role big government has and the funds they gain thru taxes. Return that money to the private sector and let the market work it's magic.

Now for the pitch....only 1 presidential candidate thinks government is corrupt and ineffective. This candidate believes we should return the power and the money to the people and severly reduce government spending and taxes.

Dr. Ron Paul

If this kind of story alarms you visit and listen to what this man has to say, you may be pleasantly suprised to hear a statesman who is for individual liberty and limiting government. It is refreshing to hear a politician speak in a straightforward honest way in support of american citizens.

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for Ron Paul in the general election, but I don't see myself voting for him in the primary. In order to vote for him in the primary, I would need to change my registration from Libertarian to Republican. I just don't think I could do that without throwing up on the registration forms.

Do you think the PBC registrar will accept registration change forms covered in vomit?

Anonymous said...

It isn't the Gov't thats bad, just like with the private sector, there are people who will cheat and steal if given the opportunity. What we need is to not give them the opportunity. No one in Miami should be trusted. The latino culture is to lie, cheat and steal. That is not racist, but a fact.

I sure don't trust our Corporate leaders any more.

I did research on Ron Paul a long time ago, and he is in the camp of the extreme religious right, and for that I could never vote for him. Just because he has them remove his name from their organizations before he declared doesn't mean he has changed his strips.