Saturday, August 11, 2007

Video: Keep on the Sunny Side

This video is worth watching for the song alone:



Anonymous said...

Yes, the situation overall appears to be just short of dire -- it is very hard to believe that the default rate for things like interest only loans and prime ARMs will not be significant. And also a large-ish number of people facing increasing negative equity will just walk away, even if they could otherwise afford to pay (who can blame them). Yet the market, as judged by the major indexes, seems resistant; this bull has made a lot of people a lot of money, and they will not capitulate easily. You even see the HBs being bought on dips, which is absurd (it will probably take a Ch 11 there, which IMO is inevitable). So all of that is hard to quantify at the moment, including wider economic consequences.

This is a well written, well thought out blog.


Anonymous said...

If you have a Google ID, you can give yourself a plug:

Top 55 Housing Resources Blogs


PS Probably many of the people who are losing money like the owners on your 'Today's F@cked Buyer' list are laughing a lot less these days.